In 2022, we published a blog post recounting a field study conducted in the Bugesera and Rulindo regions of Rwanda. Our ICR intervention aimed to interact with producers and stakeholders from fifteen agroforestry value chains to assess the business environment of these and gain insights to further develop them. Through this intervention, we partnered with […]
This Progress Report reflects the progress on the activities of the ICR Facility achieved until August 2022, with a particular focus on the period 1 September 2021–31 August 2022. The ICR Facility is implemented through three Output Areas. In Output Area 1 Implementation of demand-based interventions was in full swing throughout the year. High numbers […]
Often, it is the countries that need private investment and economic growth the most that are also the most difficult to invest and do business in. Not only do businesses in these countries struggle to access markets and obtain the inputs they need to compete, but their governments are also challenged in their efforts to […]
Economic models adapted to national circumstances are an important tool for the assessment of expected impacts and policy options to mitigate these impacts. They need to be readily applicable and map the effects transparently. The webinar presents an approach how national Input-Output tables can be used for the realistic modelling of impacts on production and […]
Often, the countries that need private investment and economic growth the most are also the most difficult to invest and do business in. Not only do businesses in these countries struggle to access markets and obtain inputs, but their governments are also challenged to manage the business environment and economy. As a result, unemployment and […]
Ghana wants better and more sustainable jobs across the country and is ready to invest more than USD 13 million to that end. But the to-do list is long. If the strategy succeeds, thousands could be lifted from precarious employment.
The World Bank outlined how fiscal policies are an underused tool for aligning financial resources towards achieving the aims of the Paris Agreement. While we see numerous discussions about fossil fuel subsidies, carbon pricing and carbon revenues where are the discussions on using fiscal policy for climate change adaptation?
The Southern African Development Community (SADC) is a Regional Economic Community comprising 16 member states (WWW.SADC.INT). Established in 1992, SADC is committed to regional integration and poverty eradication within Southern Africa through economic development and ensuring peace and security. In 2019, SADC established a Business Council (SADC BC) with the following goal set out by the SADC Executive Secretary: […]
Entrepreneurs in the Caribbean and Pacific could help battle the ever more dramatic effects of climate change, but at the moment there is little of the right kind of finance available to help their businesses to take off. These were the findings of recent research presented at a live event run by the Investment Climate […]