Context According to United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UNWomen) and the International Labour Organization (ILO), Public and private procurement generates trillions of dollars in economic activity and fuels market interactions that span the globe. This is evident in the size of public procurement around the world, which accounts for […]
Context The PNG Business Coalition for Women (BCFW) represents the voice of private sector actors committed to eliminating all forms of violence against women and increasing business and economic opportunities for women. It was established in 2014 and gathers over 80 members of all size, from SMEs to larger companies, as well as public employers. […]
Context The CCFCC is a parastatal entity created in 1996 by Interministerial Order No. 17/MCTP/MDRHV operating under the supervision of the Ministries in charge of Trade and Agriculture. It is dedicated to the improvement and promotion of the coffee and cocoa sectors and the coordination of its marketing. The Committee is composed of 14 members […]
Context AFAB has been promoting women’s entrepreneurship in Burundi since 2003. Its aim is to promote women’s economic empowerment, provide resources and training for business development and promote networking opportunities between women entrepreneurs. AFAB has around 2,000 members across the country (members pay a membership fee), who operate in 11 sectors of activity, including trade, […]
Context The Ministry of Trade and Industry is the government body responsible for promoting and facilitating trade and industrial development within the country. Its primary objectives include creating a conducive environment for business, supporting growth, and enhancing Malawi’s competitiveness in regional and international markets. The Private Sector Development within the Ministry if the area promoting […]
Context The Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission (NIPC) is the Federal Government agency established to encourage, promote and coordinate investments in Nigeria. The Commission is specifically charged with functions related to Investment Promotion, Investment Facilitation and Policy Advocacy. Inclusive Business (IBs) models provide goods, services, and livelihoods on a commercially viable basis, either at scale or […]
Context Business and Professional Women (BPW) is a membership organisation of business- and professional women established in 1961. BPW develops the professional and leadership potential of women across all levels, including through advocacy, education, mentoring, networking, skill building, and economic empowerment programmes and projects undertaken around the world. BPW Nigeria is a member of the […]
Context The Divison of Gender Affairs (DoGA) of Saint Lucia leads the development of the care system and policies in the country, in close coordination with the Office of the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs, the Department of Equity, and the Department of Economic Development (including the Central Statistics Office). […]
Context Despite their pivotal role in the economy, women in Liberia encounter considerable obstacles in establishing and growing businesses. By adopting a gender-lens throughout its activities, as called for in its Strategic Plan 2023-2026, the Liberia Chamber of Commerce (LCC) aims to create an environment where women entrepreneurs and women-led businesses can thrive. It is […]
Context The Abuja Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) is a member-funded organization solely representing the common interests of the business community in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). It is committed to fostering a conducive business environment in Nigeria, with a vast interest in supporting women entrepreneurs, as many women-owned businesses (WOBs) are registered in […]
Context The Southern African Development Community (SADC) adopted an Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap in 2015 (2015-2063). The strategy aims to promote industrialisation, enhance competitiveness, and deepen regional integration through structural transformation, leading to increased manufactured goods and exports. Objective As the strategy was adopted almost ten years ago, SADC seeks to review the strategy to […]
Context The technical assistance requested will aim to contribute to women’s economic empowerment in the waste value chain in the Indian Ocean region. The aim will be to draw up non-binding documents so that the IOC is equipped to lobby its Member States, with a view to regulating the informal recycling sector and promoting decent […]