Yasmine Galloul
I coordinate the inputs of Expertise France for the Facility. I cover all three components of the Facility, with a special focus on Output Area 2 where we provide technical assistance to Development Finance Institutions.
I appreciate being able to work with diverse stakeholders in different countries. It is interesting to see how institutions can face very similar challenges while being thousands of kilometres apart – and that sharing their experiences can help them implement innovative solutions.
Diego Borrero
I coordinate Output Area 1 which includes, developing, supervising and constantly improving our growing pipeline of technical assistance interventions as well as our mechanisms to assess and implement these.
My days are filled with enriching exchanges with partners from all over the world, and I learn a lot from each of them! Early in the morning, I may meet a group of government officials in Kiribati to discuss investment climate challenges. At noon, I may meet a business association in Kenya to review together a technical report. Later in the afternoon, I may meet a regional organisation from the Caribbean to evaluate reform opportunities raised by our ICR intervention.
I also love my diverse team and our Friday lunches with Belgian fries.
Marijke Geerts
I coordinate the ICR Facility’s Knowledge Exchange Hub. We share lessons learned and good practices from the interventions carried out under Component 1 and Component 2 and our partners. We equip and support public and private actors with information, research and tools to create better conditions for businesses to thrive.
I love this job, because I am continuously learning about exciting and innovative approaches, together with our partners. It is a pleasure to facilitate the exchanges between people from all over the world, make them connect and do even better together.
This is an amazing team to be working with too, very diverse in every possible way, but united in our passion to support inclusive and sustainable development.
Sarah Weiss
I am leading the PMU team, coordinating with the donors of the Facility and managing the GIZ contribution. I am proud to be part of this project because it is great to join a journey of change in our partner institutions and work with very motivated colleagues in the ICR Facility as well as in our partner organisations.
Sokphallin Keo
I provide logistical and administrative support in the day-to-day management of the ICR Facility and its components.
I enjoy the challenges of adapting to a constantly changing environment. The perspectives that make up the ICR Facility team are as varied as the backgrounds of its members. This makes my days rewarding and full of lessons learned.
Irene Danquah
I am responsible for managing all the project delivery related activities and inputs of the British Council. I am also a Technical Advisor for Output Area 1, which responds to requests from ACP stakeholders for technical assistance to undertake business environment reforms.
Contributing to improving the business environment and investment climate so that businesses including impact enterprises can grow and create decent jobs for the youth in ACP countries, solving social and environmental issues that ACP countries face and supporting sustained economic growth – these are the reasons I am motivated and passionate about my daily work.
Malick Ndaw
I contribute to the implementation of activities under Output Area 1 on behalf of Expertise France which includes, for instance, the assessment, design and organization of technical assistance interventions.
Working for the ICR Facility means working within an inspiring international environment and being part of a diverse and multicultural team that motivates me every day to contribute to harnessing the potential of ACP countries.
Elena Moser Zotta
I manage the internal and external communications activities of the ICR Facility. My daily tasks focus on raising the profile of the Facility’s work by creating accessible and impactful digital content and communications material. I also support the organisation of innovative events to increase our outreach to a broader audience.
I am happy to work with such a motivated, international, and diverse team that is passionate about bringing sustainable change to the ACP countries. I am excited to be part of a team whose work has such a meaningful impact.
Mariette Heuzé
I am Women’s Economic Empowerment Advisor in the ICR Facility, supporting our Output Area 1 which provides technical assistance to ACP countries to create enabling business environments for all. No public policy or reform is gender-neutral and my role is to ensure that women’s perspectives and needs are heard, targeted and mainstreamed across our interventions.
Women make a tremendous contribution to our economies as entrepreneurs, employees, lawmakers, but also through the unpaid care work they provide. I enjoy working with a wide variety of stakeholders from ACP and EU countries, learning about women’s challenges and successes, and contributing to support their equal access to economic opportunities.
Christina Gautsch
My responsibilities revolve around coordinating the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) efforts of the ICR Facility, identifying lessons learned from the individual interventions in the ACP countries, and supporting the development of knowledge products for the Facility.
I truly enjoy being part of a highly motivated, international team that works toward meeting the different stakeholders’ needs in the ACP region, thereby contributing to inclusive and sustainable economic development in the respective countries.
Piet Vroeg
I’m Technical Advisor on Public Private Dialogue and manage the SNV contribution to the ICR Facility. The diversity of requests for technical assistance that are put forward to the ICR Facility are both challenging and motivating. I find great pleasure to be able to contribute, especially as part of such a capable team. Our focus on Women Economic Empowerment significantly contributes to Business Environment Reform, by taking away the barriers that limit inclusive participation and development.
Maya Henssen
I am a Financial Systems Development Junior Advisor under the ICR Facility where I work to support Development Finance Institutions with technical assistance.
The work of the ICR Facility excites me because the team works towards concretely making a difference to the investment climates of the countries we support. It is fantastic to see visible contributions to the development of financial systems and economic environments.
Kobina Bosomtwe
I support the delivery of technical assistance to ACP countries on behalf of British Council which is one of the four implementing partners of the ICR Facility. Part of my responsibilities also include coordinating and leading various activities including Communications, Safeguarding, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Information Management and Data Security.
I’m driven primarily by my desire to learn new things—big or small—and take on new responsibilities so that I’m constantly growing and contributing more to my team and organization.
Frederic Bustelo
I work on the design, implementation and evaluation of investment climate reform, public-private dialogue and women economic empowerment technical assistance interventions in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries.
The ICR Facility leverages the strength of its partners and focuses on the impact of the interventions. It is great to be part of this initiative!
I also love working with policymakers from such a variety of countries and helping them reach their goals for a more inclusive and sustainable future. An objective that is shared by all my colleagues at ICR!
Coline Metge
I work on the implementation of the output area 1 for Expertise France. My work consists of supporting the right course of our interventions, from the moment we receive a request to the evaluation.
Being integrated to such a motivated team and working on various topics in ACP countries is very motivating for me.
I’m also particularly interested in the gender perspective we integrate into our interventions, in order to make the business environment reform more inclusive and to contribute to reducing gender inequalities.
Su Wint Wah
I am a technical advisor at ICR Facility which supports African, Caribbean, and Pacific countries to create a business environment for inclusive growth including women and youth.
Leveraging my background in impact finance and private sector development, I advise on the quality delivery of technical assistance interventions in project countries and advance knowledge development on the Women’s Economic Environment through policy reforms. I am motivated to improve the social and economic conditions of ACP countries through sustainable and responsible business. Every day, I embrace the challenge of continuous learning, and collaborating with diverse colleagues from various countries brings me immense joy.
Leonardo Bertero
As Advisor in the Investment Climate Reform Facility, I manage technical assistance interventions in support of the ICR Facility’s partner organizations with a focus on Business Environment Reforms and Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE). I also contribute to the knowledge management efforts of the ICR Facility, in particular by leading three substantial evidence-based studies in selected ACP countries.
Zoë Fallon
As Communications Trainee I am responsible for the advocacy, communication and visibility activities of the ICR Facility (e.g. LinkedIn, website, newsletter). I also provide support to the creation and design of promotional materials (e.g. handbooks, banners, newsletters, flyers, videos), and assist with the undertaking of specific monitoring & evaluation (M&E) activities, including the compilation, analysis, interpretation, and reporting of results.
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