The Care Economy — including childcare, eldercare and domestic work — is vital to society, yet it remains invisible, undervalued, and unevenly distributed. The disproportionate share of care and domestic work that falls on women and girls, especially when it is unpaid, is a key barrier to their participation in the workforce and negatively impacts business performance and overall economic growth.
The objective of this webinar is to raise awareness of the importance of Care Economy policies and particularly those related to childcare and parental support and explore challenges faced by governments and business associations in implementing responsive policies.
This interactive webinar will present the key findings from the ICReport “Business Environment Reforms and the Care Economy: The Case of Childcare and Parental Leave Policies”. This report explores trends, gaps, and replicable policies and practices that have improved Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) and have created an enabling and favorable business and investment environment in ACP countries. The research shows that while there is increasing attention to the uneven distribution of care work and the impact it has on the economy, few governments in (either the global North or) global South have made significant progress in implementing holistic care policies.
Download the webinar presentation HERE,