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Co-funded by the European Union

Supporting Diaspora Entrepreneurship To Boost ACP Country Development

Supporting Diaspora Entrepreneurship To Boost ACP Country Development

This report focuses on how African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries can benefit from the resources of the diaspora to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. It is written as part of the series of reports on “Innovative approaches to support entrepreneurs”.


The report finds that, in addition to innovative tools such as crowdfunding and honour loans, which policymakers need to regulate to respond to the challenge of providing funding to all entrepreneurs, policymakers also need to acknowledge that some groups of entrepreneurs have particular financial and extra-financial needs, which require special consideration. This is the case of diaspora entrepreneurs who represent a growing share of entrepreneurs in ACP countries.


Supporting and promoting diaspora entrepreneurs’ activities through innovative policies appears to be an opportunity for growth. This report therefore provides 7 recommendations for governments and their partners, as well as policymakers and key players based in the ACP diaspora’s countries of origin. The aim is to improve their support to young diaspora entrepreneurs and address the issues they face.

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