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Co-funded by the European Union

Improving the Business Environment for Climate Adaptation: Needs and Opportunities for Investment in ACP Countries

Improving the Business Environment for Climate Adaptation: Needs and Opportunities for Investment in ACP Countries
Climate Change is the most significant challenge to achieving sustainable development in ACP countries. With limited availability of domestic or international finance, ACP countries need to stimulate private investment for climate change adaptation. Improving the business environment for climate adaptation is key to unlocking private sector development and investment by the private sector in sustainable development. To focus investment climate and business environment reforms in a way to maximise the mobilisation of investment for climate adaptation, ACP countries need to prioritise sectors and businesses where there is a clear business case and return on investment for the private sector. By understanding the different needs of these businesses – from micro agricultural enterprises, to large water utilities and financial institutions – investment climate reforms can be tailored to unlock investments and accelerate climate adaptation.

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By supporting business climate and investment environment reforms, the ICR Facility aims to help generate more decent jobs and contribute to improving livelihoods in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries.

Trends and Best Practice in Mainstreaming Gender in Chambers of Commerce and Business Membership Organisations in ACP Countries
22.01.2025 // Online
Women's Economic Empowerment
The ICR Facility aims to provide capacity building to Chambers of Commerce and more broadly Business Membership Organisations in member states of the OACPS so that they can identify good practices in promoting and encouraging women economic empowerment, and support these organisations by providing tools and guidance to apply this knowledge. The identification of good practices […]
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Training on Business Environment Reforms to Support Women’s Economic Empowerment
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Women's Economic Empowerment
Training on Busines Environment Reforms to Support Women’s Economic Empowerment What? The course develops awareness and provides tools to advance Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) through Business Environment Reform (BER) in African Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries. Participants learn to apply a gender-sensitive and gender-transformative lens when they work on their own reforms, taking into account […]
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How to develop a gender approach in Development Finance Institutions
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Access to Finance
What? In these free, self-paced training modules you will learn how to develop a gender finance approach in the development finance institution. It is an interactive way to learn more about institutional gender mainstreaming, actions and measures to be taken in the organisation to ensure gender inclusion. The training contains videos, texts, interactive exercises and […]
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Training on Business Environment Reforms Tools
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Business Regulation and Policy
In these self-paced modules in  “Business Environment Reform Tools”, representatives from public and private stakeholders in African, Caribbean, and Pacific (ACP) countries will learn how to use practical and straight-forward tools to improve the business environment in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries. You will earn a PDF certificate once you pass all the tasks of the four modules. […]
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