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Co-funded by the European Union

Tools for Reforming the Business Environment – The Investment Climate Reform Toolbox

Tools for Reforming the Business Environment – The Investment Climate Reform Toolbox
In this online event, we introduce our new ICR Toolbox. The ICR Toolbox is written for policy-makers and the business membership organisations in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries and beyond, and is designed to respond to common challenges faced by those working to develop a business environment for a thriving, inclusive, and sustainable private sector. It includes straightforward, practical tools that require limited resources and time to apply, with step-by-step guidance and lessons learned from applying the tools in practice, as well as hands-on materials and templates. Join us for a debate on how to apply these tools.

Besides to a general introduction, we will present the following tools in more detail:

  • Policy Hackathon
  • Green Investment Strategy Diagnostic
  • Gender Sensitive Public-Private Dialogue
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