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Co-funded by the European Union

Supporting the Development Bank of Rwanda




Access to Finance






The Development Bank of Rwanda (BRD) chose the topics of the support based on its priorities. The two topics chosen by the BRD are:

  1. Accreditation to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) : BRD’s policies, procedures and products have been assessed to identify how well they meet the accreditation requirements to the GCF. Technical assistance and capacity building will be provided to help the Bank meet these requirements.
  2. Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) : The support covers institutional performance tracking (building of framework and procedures), investment impact evaluation (development of and impact dashboard and capacity building activities) and the creation of an efficient and transparent development impact scoring model for BRD’s direct lending and on-lending.


The required documentation (Policies/procedures, including e.g. polices on gender, environmental and social safeguards) were updated based on GCF requirements, and GCF is currently reviewing BRD’s accreditation application.


On M&E, a revised policy was adopted by the BRD Board, including a new impact dimension in BRD’s Balanced Scorecard. Also, a dashboard was developed to monitor the bank’s institutional performance. To assess the impact of projects before investment and lending decisions are made, an Impact Measurement Tool was developed and is now in use by BRD. Overall, BRD‘s reporting on impact development has improved.

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