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Co-funded by the European Union

Strengthening the public-private dialogue in Cape Verde


Cape Verde


Public Private Dialogue






There is a perception that there is a dialogue and transparency gap between Micro, Small and Medium size businesses and the public sector in Cabo Verde. Moreover, the private sector, as part of civil society, has a limited role in guiding public sector’s interventions.  There are two national chambers of commerce in Cape Verde, for the North and South parts of the archipelago (Barlavento and Sotavento), and one specific for Tourism, but their representation basis is quite limited (account for less than 10% of the registered business). A national association of European companies was established in 2015, with the support of the EUD, but it is not operational since 2017. 


The Technical assistance’s objective was to contribute to laying the foundation for a structured and regular public-private dialogue in the country. This should lead to a more participatory and better-informed decision-making process, in order to improve the investment climate and business environment in Cape Verde.


The ICR Facility provided support to the European Union Delegation and the government in assessing the current status of public-private dialogue in the country. This included a participatory consultation process, a technical analysis with the state of play of PPD in the country, as well as the opportunities and potential forms that PPD around Investment Climate issues could evolve in Cabo Verde. A roadmap for PPD implementation was developed and validated at a workshop with public and private stakeholders.


The Roadmap for PPD was validated by public and private stakeholders laying the ground for a structured PPD in the country. Since the intervention, technical groups have been created in the country to discuss and decide on key topics such as taxes.

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