The clean cooking sector in Kenya faces many challenges, including lack of demand for clean cooking products partially attributable to low awareness of the detrimental impacts of not using clean cooking products. Affordability and insufficient information about implementation and proof of efficacy also contribute. Poor promotion and lack of prioritisation in the legal agenda also may explain the low demand. Given this situation, the Clean Cooking Association of Kenya (CCAK), the country’s most influential player in the clean cooking sector, which coordinates the PPD regarding this topic, asked for technical assistance from the ICR Facility to enhance the dialogue mechanism and improve its policy advocacy.
The ICR Facility’s technical assistance consists of training CCAK staff to improve their ability to coordinate and design effective PPD that translates into better advocacy. At the same time, the ICR Facility helps identify important areas to discuss with pertinent working groups, assess existing gaps, and review ideas to promote business environment reforms for the sector in question.
The ICR Facility has provided support to CCAK to improve the business environment of the clean cooking sector using public private dialogue to develop business environment reform proposals. The project contributed to strengthening public-private dialogue mechanisms with stakeholders in the Clean cooking sector.
Stakeholders from the industry were consulted to understand the best frameworks for engagement with the public sector. An evidence-based advocacy training was developed for CCAK secretariat. A policy brief (“Call to action for the government”) identified actions to expand clean cooking in Kenya and was presented to stakeholders.