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Co-funded by the European Union

Improving the business environment for Agroforestry in Rwanda




Green Economy


Rwanda Forestry Authority (RFA) and Albertine Rift Conservation Society (ARCOS)






The Rwandan agriculture sector employs 80 percent of working people and occupies about 77 percent of the country area. The sector is dominated by rainfed subsistence farming, characterized by low productivity and low use of inputs and technologies (e.g. fertilizer, improved seeds, mechanization, etc.) and provides 90 percent of national food needs.  


Over-cultivation and exploitation of natural resources along with poor farming practices have led to extended land degradation, soil erosion, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, poor performance of crops and yield, watershed imbalance and landslides. Production of energy to meet the demands of an increasing population needs to be considered alongside the production of food.  


The technical assistance developed a technical study of agroforestry value chains, using public private dialogue mechanisms.


The objective of the intervention was to identify and develop promising value chains for smallholders involved in Agroforestry in Rwanda. It included a gender gap analysis and gender strategy. The study is aligned with the “Rwanda Agroforestry Strategy (2018-2027)”. 


The project is expected to contribute to economic development and ecosystem restoration, as well as climate change mitigation through CO2 sequestration.


The intervention studied six agroforestry value chains in Rwanda, identifying the limitations and the opportunities for growth in the local market and through exports. It also analysed how to promote the role of women in these value chains and ensure they have the same opportunities as men. These studies might lead to further investment in the agricultural private sector, boosting production and jobs among small producers. It might also lead to regulatory improvements for the sector as the Rwanda Forestry Authority is a counterpart to the project.

"I am thrilled to report on the successful collaboration with the ICR facility in advancing agroforestry value chains in Rwanda. As initial results of the joint work with ICR, we have implemented a pilot phase for five recommended value chains, developed new partnerships for quality seedlings and eco-friendly bio-pesticides, and we have further focused on gender-responsive value chains, empowering women and youth. ​"

Dr. Sam Kanyamibwa,​ Director, Arcos Network, Rwanda

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