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Co-funded by the European Union

Support to National Women Entrepreneur Council to develop a roadmap to promote women entrepreneurship in Mauritius




Women's Economic Empowerment






NWEC is a parastatal body operating under the aegis of the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Welfare in Mauritius. It has been set up in 1999 and provides support and assistance to women entrepreneurs in Mauritius. NWEC offers services to promote economic empowerment of women and encourage the development and growth of women entrepreneurs, including business counselling, skills development programmes, sensitisation campaigns, marketing assistance.


A National Gender Policy for the period 2022-2030, was devised by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Welfare (MGEFW) and is been adopted by the Government of the Republic of Mauritius to work towards a gender inclusive society. The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Welfare has also undertaken with UNDP a National Strategy and Costed Action Plan for Women Entrepreneurship Development in Mauritius, published in March 2023, which establishes 8 priority areas to develop women entrepreneurship. This request supports the NWEC in meeting the recommendations of the report.


The objective of this request is to develop a roadmap for NWEC to follow the guidelines of the 2023-2024 budget to become an Apex (overarching) body for women entrepreneurship in Mauritius.


As part of this intervention, we have developed a roadmap for NWEC to promote women entrepreneurship in Mauritius

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