Business Regulation and Policy, Public Private Dialogue
Secrétariat Exécutif, Cadrede concertation entre l’Etat-secteur privé (SE-CCESP)
The Togolese private sector faces many challenges. Thus, the government and representative organisations of the private sector ensure to create a more favourable environment by putting in place support mechanisms and tools, notably fostering public-private dialogues. Among these initiatives, the CCESP (Cadre de Concertation Etat-Secteur Privé – State-Private Sector Consultation Framework) was created following the adoption of a decree in 2017 and formally established in 2021.
The Executive Secretariat of the CCESP is the body in charge of the technical coordination and administrative and financial management of the CCESP, responsible for preparing files, synthesizing the work and implementing the decisions taken by the Consultative Council and its working groups.
The intervention of the ICR Facility aimed to support the concrete activation of the Executive Secretariat following the appointment of its Executive Secretary at the beginning of 2022. The experts deployed by the ICR Facility worked hand in hand with the Executive Secretariat to establish its structure and governance framework, and to review and help initiate the implement of the SE-CCESP roadmap. The intervention provided expertise in the design and development of public-private dialogue strategies, with the aim of building a functional and sustainable structure for PPD in Togo.
Following the ICR Facility intervention, the Executive Secretariat of the CCESP had a structured regulatory framework embodied in its new Manual of Procedures; Rules and Regulations; and Code of Conduct. These legal documents set the framework for the work of the Executive Secretariat of the CCESP, providing it with a concerted structure and processes. These are instrumental in enabling the CCESP to implement its Roadmap and to anchor the PPD mechanisms in Togo.
In parallel, the ICR Facility intervention has worked closely with the Executive Secretariat of the CCESP and its main public and private partners and counterparts to develop a stakeholder mapping. This analytical work served as a basis to develop recommendations for the sound and effective implementation of the CCESP Roadmap, including on priorities for PPDs, working groups structure, quick wins, etc.
The collaborative work done by the Executive Secretariat of the CCESP and the ICR Facility has enabled the structure to evolve and reinforce trust amongst its members, leading to the organisation of the first edition of the Journée Nationale du Partenariat public-privé in September 2023. This event gathers public and private actors of the business sector to discuss recent reforms, challenges and propositions for further regulations improvements in Togo in order to create a business environment that benefit all, including the youth and women, as well as citizens from both urban and rural areas.
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