Investment Policy, Public Private Dialogue
Lesotho National Development Corporation
The LNDC is the main parastatal of the Government of Lesotho charged with the implementation of the country’s industrial development policies. Making strides in engendering LNDC will eventually lead to trickle down a gender-lens in the overall Lesotho economy. The program conducted and institutional gender assessment of the LNDC, which highlighted gaps where the DFI can improve its operations internally and externally. The more gender aware and responsive the DFI is itself, the better it and its staff member can serve its women clients. A market research report and gender strategy recommended several steps for LNDC to take in its approach to reach more women financially, including encouraging LNDC to become a thought leader and the link in bringing its relevant partners and stakeholders together, who have the same goal of empowering women entrepreneurs, to promote a holistic approach. Ultimately, taking forward the recommendations will increase the economic participation of women, create more jobs, reduce poverty, and attract outside investments to distribute even more resources to women and youth entrepreneurs in the country.
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